First time users will need to create an initial password in order to access all SPU platforms.
Your password must be reset every 6 months – you will be prompted by automatic email to create a new password at that time. Instructions are found below.
Your username and this new password will be the SAME login credentials for your SPU accounts: Gmail, Spirit Online, Blackboard accounts, etc.
When you change your password, it must have at least three characters different from any password you have used in the past year
If you forget your current password at any point, you can create a new password by following the steps below.
If you have been LOCKED OUT of any SPU account, you will FIRST need to contact the SPU IT Team in order to reset your account before you can create a new password: call them at 201-761-7800 or email them at [email protected] with your full name, ID#, and explanation of the issue.
Only once your account is unlocked, please follow the instructions below on how to create and reset your SPU password:
1) Go to
2) Click on “Go to Reset Tool” and enter your username:
Your username is the first segment of your SPU email address before the “@” symbol, examples: “adavis” OR “ereich1”
3). Then select “Authenticate with Challenge Questions”.
4). Enter your personal information:
ID # (examples: “0994567” OR “1015678”)
Date of Birth – in MM-YY format.
**You must add the ” – ” for the DOB.**
The last four digits of your SSN
5). Create a password following the guidelines provided:
Between 8 and 14 characters
Include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and one special character.
**Do not include your first or last name in the password.**
6). You should now receive confirmation that your password is created – the green check marks indicate that your password has been generated for each SPU account listed. Please ensure that each account has a green check mark.
Semi-annual Password Reset
Your password must be reset every 6 months – you will be prompted by automatic email to create a new password at that time.
You will receive a confirmation email once your new password has been reset.
If you need technical assistance, please contact the SPU Service Desk. Include your full name, student ID#, phone number, and explanation of the issue with any relevant screen shots.
Contact Information:
Phone: 201-761-7800, Monday-Friday 8AM-7PM
Email: [email protected]
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