Financial Agreements MUST be signed PRIOR to registration.
Sign into your self service account.
If your password is not working, it is time to reset it.
For directions on resetting your password click here.
On the top right click on your user profile.
Click on “Required Agreements”
Click on “View by each agreement”
Click Accept.
Tuition is at a set rate per credit, regardless of credit load.
MBA: $697.00 per credit.
MAED: $682.00 per credit.
*This is the significantly reduced rate automatically billed for Sara Schenirer students. No reduction/discount will be noted on tuition statements, as this is the set billing rate.
Every term is billed individually at the start of the term.
Tuition is due within the first 2 weeks of the term.
Unpaid balances will trigger a financial hold on the student account – limiting academic access, course registration, graduation, etc. (You will be able to access your courses on Blackboard.)
Tuition Payment Options
Pay via Self-Service, Secure Payment Center link
ACH transmittal (direct from bank account)
Credit Card (+ service fee of 2.95% or $3.00, whichever is higher)
Payment plan option – $35 enrollment fee (splits into monthly increments over the term)
Additional Fees:
Education Department Fee – $139.00
This is a mandatory fee charged by the Department of Education for utilizing the TK20 program. It is a one-time charge for the duration of the program.
The fee is linked to a specific course: ED-491
Students will see the fee charged to their account, as part of their term bill, when the student registers for that course.
Graduation Fee – $150.00
All students will be charged this fee once they register for graduation.
The charge will be placed on the current term bill, and must be paid before the student will be processed for graduation.
This fee includes the degree conferral process, diploma copy, commencement regalia, etc.
Annual Tuition Late Fee – $100.00
Official Transcripts Order – $10.00
The fee for ordering an official transcript is charged at the time of the order, via the Parchment website.
Enrollment and Tech Fees
These fees are listed on your bill, but have already been included in your total cost as detailed previously.
These are not separate fees charged to your account in addition to the set cost, but are listed individually as part of the student billing process.
Tuition is due within the first 2 weeks of each term.
Pay via Self-Service.
Click on Student Finance, Make a Payment, Continue to Payment Center.
You must be logged in to your SPU email account while accessing the payment system.
Tuition Payment Options:
ACH transmittal (direct from bank account)
Credit Card (+ service fee of 2.95% or $3.00, whichever is higher)
Payment plan option – $35 enrollment fee (splits into 4 increments over the 4 month term)
Payments by phone or mail are not accepted.
For detailed instructions, refer to this helpful guide.
Open a new Google webpage and sign into your SPU email account. Make sure that no other Google accounts are open in this browser page.
Go to the Google Apps icon (the waffle on the top right) and click on the TouchNet
Payment Center icon.
If you get a Google 403 Error page:
Clear your browsing history and cache, and then sign in to your SPU Google account ONLY (ensure that no other Google accounts are active at this time).
You can only use your <> email account to access this site.
Log in from a private browsing window (Incognito) and sign back into your SPU Google account ONLY (ensure that no other Google accounts are active at this time).
#1) Right click on the Chrome browser icon on your computer toolbar.
Click on the Option of a “New Incognito Window”.
#2) Use only this Window, as shown below, to login again to your Self-Svc account and access the Online Payment Center.
You will be directed to a new webpage of the Secure Payment Website (TouchNet) to enter payment details.
Select from the top menu ribbon “Payment Plans”
This is a standardized schedule to pay over the course of the term — total balance due will be split into monthly increments to be fully paid by the end of the current term.
There is a $35.00 enrollment fee on the first payment, for each time you enroll in a plan. (This fee is non-refundable)
Subsequent payments will be charged automatically via the payment method you indicate, according to the payment schedule provided in the enrollment process.
If the payment method rejects the automatic charge, a late fee of $25.00 will be billed after an additional attempt and a notification email will be sent to you.
You have the option to pay off the balance of the payment plan at once, at any point during the term.
** A new Payment Plan must be set up for EVERY TERM.
Financial Aid is available in 1 form, only:
Loans = funds borrowed and paid back over time
Every year, the student is required to file the current FAFSA to receive the federal student loans offer.
Filing the FAFSA (“Free Application for Federal Student Aid”) as a new student, who has not filed the previous year, must be done before September 15th of the current year.
Renewing the FAFSA as a continuing student must be completed by April 15th of the previous year.
For example: For the 2022-23 FAFSA, a new student must submit the application by September 15th 2022, and the renewal FAFSA for 2022-23 must have been submitted by April 15th 2021 for a continuing student.
LOANS are offered by the federal government to all students.
The set Graduate loan offer is applied to the accounts of all FAFSA applicants.
There is no eligibility criteria to meet – but remember that whatever you borrow, you must pay back. You can choose to accept the loan, or ignore/reject the offer.
You don’t have to begin repaying your loans until after you graduate, leave college, or drop below half-time status.
Loans will accrue interest, but only on amounts repaid after graduation. There is a fixed interest rate and a one-time fee charged for the borrowing of the loan.
You can borrow up to $20,500 each year in Direct Unsubsidized Loans.
Remember, you can borrow less than your school offers and request more funds later. You should borrow only what you need!
Request a meeting at the START OF THE TERM to review the types of loans offered to you, and the process of borrowing the loan.
Step 1: ACCEPT via Self-Service
Loan amount can be adjusted according to individual need
No action will neither accept nor reject the loan
Step 2: On the FSA website
Complete 2 forms:
1. MPN (Master Promissory Note) = you are agreeing to repay the loan according to the terms of the note even if you don’t complete your education, can’t get a job after you complete the program, or you didn’t like the education you received.
2. EC (Entrance Counseling) = a tool to ensure you understand your obligation to repay the loan.
Refund Schedule
Withdrawal Date Percentage Refund
First Week of Semester 100%
Second Week of Semester 75%
Third Week of Semester 50%
Fourth Week or more 25%
After the fourth week of class 0%
Students wishing to adjust their schedules may do so without penalty during the first week of classes.
You may add or drop classes only with the approval of your coordinator.
Fill out the Registration Change Request Form
Any charges for courses dropped during this period will be refunded at 100%.
A reduction in the number of courses may result in a reduction in the level of financial aid.
Students Not Receiving Federal or State Aid:
Students who take a leave of absence or withdraw for any reason during the first four weeks of the semester, are entitled to a prorated refund of certain tuition charges.
Prorated charges are based upon the date of actual withdrawal, as determined by the University in accordance with the withdrawal/leave of absence procedure.
Students Receiving Federal or State Aid:
Students receiving Federal or State aid and who take a leave of absence or withdraw for any reason, will receive a prorated refund based upon the date of actual withdrawal.
In the event the University is required to return federal and/or state funds in excess of the refund of charges as calculated above, then the student will receive a refund in institutional charges equivalent to the amount that is returned in federal and/or state funds. However, if total financial aid exceeds the amount of institutional charges, a refund will be made of a percentage of institutional charges less non-federal aid equal to the percentage of federal aid returned plus an amount equivalent to any state aid returned.
Refunds of Federal and State Aid: When a student takes a leave of absence or withdraws from the University, federal and state regulations may require the University and/or the student to return a portion of the aid received as described below.
Federal Title IV Refund Policy
When a student takes a leave of absence or withdraws before completing 60% of the enrollment period, federal regulations require the University and/or the student to return that portion of federal aid funds which has not been earned.
This is calculated as follows:
The percentage of federal aid earned is calculated by dividing the number of days of the enrollment period completed by the total number of days in the enrollment period.
Receiving Your Refund
We encourage all students to sign up for Electronic Refunds.
There are great benefits of signing up for electronic refunds. It’s a faster and more secure way to receive your money, eliminating the risk of checks getting lost in the mail or delayed.
The 2 methods available for receiving refunds are:
Direct Deposit
Digital Check
* If you do not have an eRefund profile set up, refunds will be issued automatically as paper checks and mailed to your mailing address on file. The processing time for paper checks to be mailed out is between 3-6 months.
To Sign-Up:
Select “Financial Information” → “Student Finance” → “Make A Payment” → “Continue to Payment Center”
Select from the top ribbon “Refunds” and select the method you prefer.
Follow the steps to complete the eRefunds sign-up.
Log in to Self-Service
Click on “Financial Information”
Click on “Tax Information”
Select the tab for “1098-T”
You must consent to receive your 1098 in electronic format – the University does not mail the forms.
You can download/print an electronic version of the 1098-T for every tax year listed on your account.
For assistance, book an appointment here with our liaison, Eliana Reich.
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