EDUC 760 Student Teaching Guidelines
EDUC 760 can only be taken in your final semester.
Placement Requirements:
EDUC 760 requires 35 days of full-time student teaching – full-day Hebrew or full-day English. To be considered a full day, it must be a minimum of 3 hours. Please note: you must work the entire Hebrew or English session (i.e. if Hebrew sessions are from 9AM-1PM, you must work for the duration of those hours and cannot leave earlier.)
Acceptable classroom settings are special education and inclusion classrooms. You may work 1:1, in a small group, or in a self-contained classroom. You must be supervised while student teaching, so 1:1 would require a resource room coordinator.
If the placement is appropriate, you can use the same setting as you used for EDUC 530.
Student Teaching must be done at age level – meaning Second Grade (7 years old) or below (minimum of 3-4 years old). (Please bear in mind that it is difficult to implement a 30-minute lesson with 3 year olds).
Student Teaching requires active participation and engagement with the students. Simply observing is not sufficient!
Only one student teacher is allowed per classroom – two students cannot submit the same placement information
Placement must be confirmed before the semester begins or you will need to withdraw from the course. Before the end of the first week of the semester, you will need to email your clinical supervisor with detailed information about your placement (Name of School, Grade, Cooperating Teacher Name, Email and Phone Number) as well as a calendar detailing the exact days and times that you will be working to fulfill the 35-day requirement.
Lesson Plan and Observation Requirements:
This course requires an ELA lesson plan and video, as well as a Math/Social Skills lesson plan and video.
Each video must be a minimum of 30-minutes in length. Video lessons that do not meet this requirement will require a new video lesson. We recommend that you prepare material for more than 30 minutes to avoid this issue.
The videos must be taken in a classroom setting. Make sure that the school administration is aware of this requirement.
These lessons must be given in English only.
Course Individuals:
There are three individuals that will be interacting with you for this course.
Your Course Instructor will be teaching you on a weekly basis.
Your Clinical Supervisor will be mentoring you through the lesson plans and observations required for this course. She will meet with you for a MANDATORY group Zoom meeting before the semester, so please look out for her email. Check SPAM to ensure that you don’t miss it.
Your Cooperating Teacher is the faculty member at the school at which you are fulfilling your 35-day requirement, either the teacher in the classroom, resource room coordinator, or the principal of the school where you are being mentored.
Must have at least 3 years of teaching experience
Must be a certified teacher (either from NYS, another State or Country or from a Teachers’ Seminary)
Cannot be currently enrolled at Sara Schenirer
Important Pointers:
Self-plagiarism is STILL plagiarism. You cannot reuse a lesson plan that you previously submitted for another course. Using an objective or topic from a previous plan submitted often leads to inadvertent self-plagiarism. Create an original plan. Do NOT copy the Academic Vocabulary (or any section) from an old lesson plan.
Utilizing AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a form of plagiarism and will not be tolerated.
We will provide a 35-day tracker to count your work days. You need to ensure that you will have 35 days by the student teaching log due date listed on the tracker. You cannot count a day twice. If you will not complete 35 days within the semester, please reach out to your coordinator as you may not be eligible to take this course.
You will need to provide a detailed description on Watermark of the activities taking place each day while you are student teaching. We suggest that you keep notes each day while in class and enter the information each night on your log so that you don’t fall behind on this requirement.
Professionalism is a VERY important part of this course. It is important that you check your emails regularly. Be sure to submit your assignments in a timely manner and communicate effectively.
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