How to Apply for Graduation at MSV
Although there are three graduation opportunities every year, Sara Schenirer has a yearly graduation ceremony in July for all students graduating that year.
IMPORTANT: All students are mandated to apply for graduation as per the university.
The application for graduation is only for degree conferral and receiving your diploma.
Please note: The ceremony referenced in the application questionnaire is for on-campus MSV students and is not applicable to Sara Schenirer students. You can leave the check box “undecided.”
Sara Schenirer will send a detailed email about our graduation ceremony once the details are confirmed. This email will require your response.
In order to apply for graduation:
You must have 83 credits posted on your MSV transcript in order for the system to allow you to apply.
All outstanding transcripts need to be sent to [email protected].
To view your transcript and check the amount of credits posted:
1. Click on this Self-Service link
2. Enter Secure Area
3. Click “Student”
4. Click “Student Records”
5. Click “Academic Transcript”
6. Click “Transcript Totals” or scroll down on your Student Academic Transcript and look at your Total of Earned Hours
To apply for graduation:
1. Click on this Self-Service link
2. Enter Secure Area
3. Click “Student”
4. Click “Student Records”
5. Click “Application for Graduation”
6. Select graduation term
7. Follow the prompts
8. Please note that attending MSV’s graduation is optional.
Once you submit your application, you can confirm it was accepted by going to:
1. “Student”
2. “Student Records”
3. “Application for Graduation”
4. Select graduation term
5. On the bottom, there is a hyperlink for “View Graduation Applications”
You will not receive any other confirmation of your application.
Graduation Fee:
Please note that there is an MSV graduation fee of $300. This fee covers degree conferral, diploma, cap and gown, and must be paid, whether or not you attend MSV’s graduation.
After you apply for graduation, MSV will bill you for the graduation fee.
The graduation fee can be paid by logging on to your student account on Self-Service and clicking Make a Payment.
Please note: This bill takes time to process and as such, will not appear on your account immediately.
If you need assistance please reach out to:
Tzippy Cohen 718-633-8557 ext. 20
Suri Goldstein 718-633-8557 ext. 15
Looking forward to helping you earn your degree.
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